Thursday, March 4, 2010

Part 1: Space Marine Hqs and Elites

Now then, let's get into this, this will be a tactica/comment/list builder site that you can get ahold of me on. Truth is there many different ways to play the game and many who are much better than I am. Many more experienced players, but from someone who started recently, yes 3 years is recent for most players, I'm doing fairly well. These are my lists, and my experiences. First off I wanted to list the units and a little commentary for the Space Marines, but no special characters for now.

Captain/Chapter Master: Fairly decent unit brought into the 5th ed with new equipment, but he lost Rites of Battle which really was the only reason for me to take a captain in the first place during the last codex. He does have his uses and the main one is for bike armies, but that's about all he does except throw in another few strong hits.

Chaplain: Another unit they nerfed from the last codex. They basically made him a space marine with one higher weapon skill and the ability to make a squad reroll misses in a charge. Which with the right squad is devastating, so only use if he's going to be put with an assault type squad. He's also the best basic HQ without upgrades as he comes with an invulnerable and a power weapon.

Librarian: Ah, yay the far as I'm concerned this dude is not worth it unless you build a list around him. The other two augment the armies they're with, him however to be useful I see an army built around him as the best way. I don't use Librarians much so I can't really say much, but that about sums it up to me.

Master of the Forge: A new addition to the book, or maybe not if you think about it. You could do the same thing in the last edition, and he was the big thing he does is add dreadnoughts into the army as Elites or Heavies, perfect, 6 dreadnoughts on the field...whatever will I do. If someone has the equipment to deal with 3 dreadnoughts and you field 6 they probably won't care too much. Like the librarian you have to build the army around him. And he's the only HQ that can not take an invulnerable save.

Terminator Squad: I love terminators, absolutely love, it is rare to see me play a game without fielding at least a single squad of terminators. But the shooting ones are kind of out-done by the assault terminators in this edition. But they can lay down more fire than many of the squad marines have and are a good fire base.

Assault Terminators: One of my favorite squads in the game for the pure carnage they cause across the field. Being able to take storm shields and thunder hammers for monstrous creatures or tanks, or lightning claws for infantry makes them very versatile. The only problem with these guys is getting them into combat, but once they do they will most likely gain their points plus more back.

Sternguard Veterans: A new addition to the marines, they are awesome. Sternguard are the most versatile unit in the shooting phase that marines have. Sternguard have a round designed to be able to take out almost every type of unit in the 40k universe, and the ability to give them combi-weapons makes them even more valuable. That and given that they have two attacks a piece in close combat makes them deadly even if charged, but a good player shouldn't let that happen.

Dreadnoughts: I'll just cover all three types in one go. Normal Dreadnoughts are cheap and if you want a firing platform, or close combat deterent you have it pretty much. Venerable Dreadnoughts are a little more survivable but in the long run have the same abilities as the normal Dreadnoughts. Ironclad Dreadnoughts are beasts, with armor that is stronger than the normal Dreadnoughts they are even harder to kill than the others and are even better in close combat, but they are only decent in close range, so within six inches.

Techmarines: These have a purpose and I understand that repairing tanks is awesome and I love that idea, but them taking up an Elite slot is just stupid. I would love them if they came with the tanks like they used to, but as of right now I see them as useless.

Legion of the Damned: These guys look awesome on paper, but on the playing field, they make me so mad. Ok, they have a few good things, like being able to rapid fire and assault in the first turn, being able to hold up monstrous creatures for entire games and a 3+ invulnerable. Other than that they die to massed fire and a lot of attacks. They cost way too much to be viable or even to be worth the trouble of fielding. Love the idea on paper, but not on the table.

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